Monday, March 14, 2011

Location & Mobile Search Marketing Will Evolve

Are you are still applying the same exact SEO tactics that you did a few years back? Have you evolved into what is happening now in the search marketing space? If you havent you could be shooting yourself in the foot with your online marketing approach. This is a very fast moving industry that requires a great deal of constant education. I wont compare it to the education level needed to consistently be a good doctor but there is a fair amount of information that needs to be digested at almost all times to stay on top of the internet trends. Savvy start-ups are springing to action with great force almost every single day. Some of these new technology start-ups are changing the way that people communicate online and if you dont keep up with it you could fall behind your competition.

The pace of change is much like a runaway locomotive train and consumers along with businesses are trying to simply grab a hold and stay on. The reason why old SEO tactics do not work like they used to is because consumers are starting to act and purchase on trust rather than emotion. They need to see your business in many different areas before they decided to contact you for any reason.

Lets take a look at some location and mobile search marketing areas that I think we will see strong growth online in the very near future:

1. Location Based Search Marketing: Foursqaure and Gowalla have taken what Twitter does and twisted and tweaked it to remove the spammy business side that tends to infiltrate the website now. Your phone understands where you are and shows you a list of places surrounding your immediate location. You can then check in to those places to let others know you are there and how you feel about it. In this process you receive badges for frequency of check-ins. Recently Facebook and Twitter both have already started implementing their own location based features. This is obviously a direction where things are starting to head. Location based marketing is really just getting started but it will eventually be an integral part of any online marketing campaign.

2. Mobile Phone Applications: Search engines are not just on desktop computers and laptops anymore. They now follow people around in their pockets on their mobile phones. The mobile app industry is absolutely exploding and more and more users are shifting away from looking up a business on their mobile website and moving to just downloading a mobile app version for that specific business. It makes things much easier for the user and more efficient as well. As devices get stronger and more powerful people are going to rely on their hand held devices even more making it very important that all business get involved with the online mobile space sooner than later.

3. Trust Trumps All: Technology is growing at such a rapid pace that many of us dont really have the time to keep up with everything going on around us. We are all in an era that is under a heavy content overload. Everywhere you turn online you see more news, more information and more ads. Consumers are trying to really bob and weave to avoid the junk that is being thrown at them everyday. Trust is going to drive purchases in the future. Online trust is going to have a very heavy decision factor for many companies and individuals looking to make a purchase online. With so many new websites and businesses making their way into search results the ability to really brand yourself and stand out from the crowd is going to be vital in the very near future. No more spammy SEO techniques for just ranking. You seriously have to brand your business online the right way to grow and prosper.

The search engine marketing space is changing every day. New unfathomable technologies creep up and infiltrate our communities on a regular basis creating brand new platforms for everyone to jump on and be part of. This is not going to slow down and applying SEO techniques from years past is not going to prepare you for the future. The future of search is happening right now. We can see the industry going through the changes already which means that businesses have to go through the changes as well.


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